Akeso and its consultant network have recently completed or are in the process of completing the following projects:
- Completed a rapid assessment and stocktaking of early infant male circumcision practices and opinions in 14 African countries.
- Conducting a randomized effectiveness trial of hookworm treatment of women smallholder farmers in the Democratic Republic of Congo to evaluate improved productivity of their farming and/or household labor.
- Conducted a mid-term review of a large surveillance and response project in Francophone countries in Central Africa.
- Assessed the feasibility and documented the rationale for the introduction of a new human hookworm vaccine under development, interviewing over 75 global opinion leaders to evaluate the factors that would contribute to successful vaccine introduction.
- Assisted an organization and its partners to develop a monitoring and evaluation framework for a project that is building the capacity of four West and Central African countries to respond to Cholera outbreaks using the Oral Cholera Vaccine.
- Performed operational reviews and risk assessments of an international NGO’s six field offices in order to develop prioritized operational strengthening plans as well as streamline financial management.
- Assisted an NGO in Botswana to develop a strategic roadmap to guide their future direction.
- Conducted assessment planning for an industry partners in Saving Mothers Giving Life in order to describe current services, utilization of those services, and identify existing gaps at the district level in Zambia and Uganda.
- Provided technical assistance to water and sanitation grantees and potential grantees working in India, brokering relationships with a major US based donor.
- Assisted a US-based university with project planning, operational strengthening, grant writing, and proposal development.
- Trained government and NGO stakeholders on the use of qualitative data analysis methods.